Thursday, August 27, 2020

Benin Essay Example For Students

Benin Essay Benin, free country of W Africa, once in the past called Dahomey. Once aFrench protectorate, it is a nation of 40 ethnic inborn gatherings and alow-level economy. Land and Economy. Situated in the lump on the S side of W Africa, Beninis circumscribed by Nigeria, Toga, Berkina Faso, and Niger, with 75 mi (121km)on the Gulf of Guinea. The coast is hot and muggy, and there are two rainyand two dry seasons; normal yearly precipitation is 32in (813mm). Benin hasthree levels, one ripe, another of uncovered rocks, and a third withstreams streaming to the Volta and Niger waterways and including the Atakorarange. The E segment is a plain. Resource horticulture is the economicbase. Palm items and cotton represent half of fare incomes. Individuals. The main class in Benin is made out of male-line descendantsof the Aja (Fons, or Dahomey) who had built up the early realm. Prepared for common assistance by the French, they are the best educated;literacy is 25% among young youngsters. In the N are the itinerant Fulaniand the Somba clan, trackers with no political association; E are Baribas. 90% of the populace is provincial, and 65% practices animist religion. Frenchis the normal language. Government. Benin has been under military guideline since 1970. Theconstitution of 1977 organized a national get together, whose individuals belongto the sole lawful ideological group, the Benin Peoples Revolutionary Party. History. Benins history goes back to three principalitiesAllada,Porto-Novo, and Dahomeyin the S territory who were being pushed by the NKingdom of Abomey in the sixteenth century. Dahomey was the most aggressive,pushing N and selling slaves. In 1863 the ruler of Porto-Novo looked for Frenchprotection. By 1892 France had oppressed all gatherings and made themprotectorates as a major aspect of French West Africa. In 1960 the nation becameindependent as Dahomey. The official name was changed to Benin in 1976. Financial and territorial competitions have caused various military overthrow dtatsand changes of government since 1960. The Marxist-Leninist militarygovernment in power since 1972, drove by Brig. Gen. Mathieu Kerekou, relaxedits authority to some degree during the late 1970s and improved relations withFrance. Benin turned into the focal point of a global environmentalcontroversy in 1988 when it became realized that European countries arranged todump harmful squanders there. PROFILEOfficial name: Peoples Republic of BeninArea: 43,483sq mi (112,621sq km)Population: 4,663,832Density: 107.3per sq mi (41.4per sq km)Chief urban areas: Porto-Novo (capital);Cotonou Government: MilitaryReligion: Animist, Christian, and Moslem (Muslim)Language: French(official)Monetary unit: CFA franc Grossdomestic item: $1,400,000,000Per capita salary: $340Industries: food handling, including lager, palm oilAgriculture: peanuts, cotton, espresso, tobaccoMinerals: petroleumTrading accomplices: France (major), different individuals from European Common Market,franc zone nations

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nursing Clinical Skill Reflection

Question: Talk about theNursingfor Clinical Skill Reflection. Answer: Presentation The clinical practices are the mix of expert information, aptitudes, culture, mentality, conduct and individual recognitions. Any individual needs to change every one of these highlights to turn into a clinical expert. The individual reflection is an apparatus to examine the improvement of these highlights in once observation while proceeding as a social insurance proficient (Morris Faulk, 2012, pp.67). This article is one such endeavor by me as a student where I will clarify the significance and estimation of individual appearance in nursing followed by considering one of my clinical aptitude (taking perceptions of the patient). This clinical aptitude is broke down by identifying my qualities and shortcomings by and by as a clinical medical attendant. As a Practice Nurse, I am pondering one of my clinical practice where I was dispensed to take physical and mental perceptions of one patient. Worth and Importance of Personal Reflection in Nursing Individual reflection is depicted as fundamental human action that recovers the experience for which basic reasoning is created and careful assessment is performed for better learning and improvement (Dossey et al. 2012, pp. 98). As nursing calling is the synergistic usefulness of individual and hypothetical information, the clinical reflection functions as an instrument forever long learning, self-knowledge, mindfulness and improvement (Bulman, Lathlean Gobbi, 2012 pp. 12). As indicated by Borders (2014 pp. 160), individual reflection assists with setting up high consideration principles, tolerant focused consideration, demonstrable skill and trustworthiness towards discernments. Further, reflection additionally assists with actualizing the best utilization of information, take out past missteps, face and fix proficient information base. Horsfall, Cleary and Hunt (2012 pp. 931) opine that individual reflection is the establishment of important nursing practice by picking up knowledge, associating with truth and moving toward greatness in medicinal services. Sumner (2010 pp. 162) demonstrated that when managing the human body and psyche the odds of dreary mistake ought to be less or unimportant in light of the fact that the blunder once happened can bring intense results. In this manner, individual reflection fills in as a device to limit the progressions of such mistake by recognizing and amending them magnanimously. Blum, Borglund and Parcells (2010 pp. 34) considered individual reflection as a profound demonstration where medical caretaker sets up an association between internal identity and external world for humanness of their patient and setting up solid connections. Decker et al. (2013 pp. 28) contemplated that self-reflection dependent on basic reasoning, inspecting, breaking down and assessing encounters to c reate determination fills in as a positive future activity for viable nursing practice. In conclusion, Green, Wyllie and Jackson (2014 pp. 6) demonstrated that individual reflection assists with building up a basic, self-ruling and propelled professional in nursing practice. Reflection on Clinical Skill (taking Observations) Performed as a Professional Nurse The clinical practices for taking perception shifts according to their point and procedure relying upon factors like force, commitment, recurrence, span and watching from separation. The need of perception relies upon potential hazard, state of being and restorative commitment (Morris and Faulk, 2012 pp. 86). As a rehearsing attendant, my motivation of taking perception was to get to the physical and mental strength of the patient with steady (a safe distance) level of perception. I embraced the absolute most fundamental characteristics to play out a compelling perception that includes basic examination of patient, condition, viable patient focused correspondence, deliberate evaluation and group working with a bit by bit approach. In the initial step of my perception, I went into the patients room playing out a natural investigation to identify the accessibility of required supplies, room conditions and cleanliness just as hand cleanliness necessities. Outskirts (2014 pp. 155) showed that medical caretakers ought to painstakingly perform persistent recognition, condition recognition and fundamental necessities while going into the patient room. Further, Sumner (2010 pp. 167) likewise expressed that hand cleanliness is a significant prerequisite when understanding appraisal, perception and care, consequently, it is basic gear for care process. In this manner, according to my hypothetical information, I played out these underlying strides of perceptions. Horsfall, Cleary and Hunt (2012 pp. 933) showed that gathering foundation data about history, past experience, on-going medical problems and so on helps in successful perception process, along these lines, I gathered all conceivable foundation data from different parental figures includes in the treatment procedure of this particular patient. Further, before starting balanced perception, Blum, Borglund and Parcells (2010 pp. 31) demonstrated that it is required for an expert to illuminate the patient about this perception, its motivation and procedure. The perception changes and procedures ought to likewise be imparted trailed by normal input with respect to the experience of the patient. I showed this drive by imparting total data about perception to my patient. Be that as it may, I missed the progression of gathering persistent input after every perception because of my frenzy for finishing with perception process inside the constrained time term. Indeed, even Williams and Stickley (2010 pp. 753) considered that medical attendants should welcome patient for recommending the ways for taking perceptions, for instance, attendants can pose persistent inquiries like How would it be a good idea for us to get up to speed? be that as it may, I understood that my clinical perception process was proficient making a distress to my patient. This procedure ought to happen toward the start of perception, be that as it may, I understood that I missed patient assent before beginning my perception procedure. This can be considered as a significant blunder of my clinical expertise. As indicated by Sumner (2010 pp. 164) taking perception isn't just a physical envisioning however it is the blend of physical locating followed by mental locating with viable correspondence. The medical attendants ought to receive the formal and casual correspondence techniques while taking the perception to get most ideal data about the patient condition. While taki ng perceptions I received most ideal procedures to perform viable correspondence by getting some information about their torment, surveying tolerant cognizance, drug subtleties, on-going medicines, eating and drinking propensities, urinary and fecal end. Further, I archived all the data and recognized issues according to clinical norms. After these underlying perceptions, I played out a total fundamental sign evaluation including temperature, breath, beat, circulatory strain, blood glucose, oxygen levels, and weight file. Outskirts (2014 pp. 156) showed that imperative sign appraisal is a finished perception of physical, mental and ecological stressors. Further, a Mental State Examination (MSE) was performed to decide the general mental perceptions. McDonald et al. (2012 pp. 380) considered that MSE covers total appraisal to the emotional well-being condition that can distinguish side effects and elements of any psychological well-being issue. Hence, I consider it as an appropriate device for my patient perception process. As indicated by Blum, Borglund and Parcells (2010 pp. 33) nursing obligation includes looking after measures, right aptitude blend, looking for counsel and right assets while rehearsing with the patient. I attempted to suit every one of these duties as an expert in my clinical abilities process, yet I identified that my perception procedure was deficient with regards to counsel from other social insurance experts. I didnt even included master counsel while building up my perception convention and report. This can be considered as an expert mistake featuring absence of experience and polished methodology in my nursing practice. My absence of experience, the restricted time span for perceptions and carelessness were a portion of the imperfections that made issues and deformities as I would see it practice. Notwithstanding, I was immaculate in taking perceptions, tolerant correspondence, making mindfulness, my disposition, discernment and execution however I needed polished skill, experience, group usefulness and moral soundness (not taking patient assent) in my clinical expertise practice. DeBrew and Lewallen (2014 pp. 635) demonstrated that patient assent is a conventional procedure that is viewed as compulsory for any clinical practice. On the off chance that there is the prerequisite or not it is the obligation of expert to achieve casual or formal assent from quiet according to Australian code of nursing morals. In this way, I have to chip away at a portion of these expert blunders to build up an ideal clinical practice. End According to this investigation, unmistakably clinical self-reflection makes it extremely peaceful and simple to recognize the mistake submitted without anyone else in clinical practice. It is a significant instrument to pass judgment on oneself by intuition, investigating and assessing once understanding and practice. My self-reflection on clinical aptitude of taking perception was flawless regarding my training, correspondence, individual discernments and execution however it additionally featured lacking proficient experience, moral gauges and group commitment in my training. These mistakes are commonly not perceptible but rather they can make a hazard circumstance for the patient whenever proceeded in nursing practice. In this way, I carefully need to focus on these particular blunders for improving my expert practice to address my expert objectives in human services situation. References Books Dossey, B.M., Certificate, C.D.I.N.C., Keegan, L. Co-Director International Nurse Coach Association, 2012.Holistic nursing. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Morris, A.H. Faulk, D.R., 2012.Transformative learning in nursing: A guide for nurture instructors. Springer Publishing Company. Diaries Blum, C.A.

Friday, August 21, 2020

7 Most Useful Websites Everyone Should Bookmark

7 Most Useful Websites Everyone Should Bookmark Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!7 Most Useful Websites Everyone Should BookmarkUpdated On 23/01/2019Author : Ram kumarTopic : InternetShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThe Internet is a vast place that’s constantly changing. There are millions upon millions of websites that you can visit each day, some of which are useful and others a waste of time. When you find a helpful website, it’s a good idea to bookmark it, because it’s easy to forget about it when you need it the most.The list of the most useful websites on the Internet is probably different for every person. However, the sites that we will show you below should come in handy to everyone at one point or another.Open LibraryOpen Library is a website run by the nonprofit Internet Archive with an aim to make knowledge free and available for everyone. The website is a collection of more than 1 million compl etely free ebooks which you can access at any time and how many times you want.The library contains different types of books, including titles about art, fantasy, biographies, science, recipes, romance, religion, mystery, etc. It’s perfect if you’re looking for classics to read for school or university, as you’re bound to find them here.Online CasinosEven if you do not like gambling, having a couple of online casino websites bookmarked is a good idea. You can start by bookmarking the best no wagering casinos as you will have a chance to play without making a deposit, usually by getting a certain number of free spins when you register.Moreover, casino games are pretty fun to play if you do it responsibly. Online casinos usually feature games such as video slots, roulette, baccarat, keno, poker, scratch cards, wheel of fortune, and so on. Therefore, you’ll surely find something you like.Comic ShuffleIf you’re looking for some extra fun on a very slow day, Comic Shuffle is th e place to go. This website provides you with a huge collection of funny comics that you can browse through for ages. Comic Shuffle includes comics from the 26 most popular comics websites on the internet, so you can always be up to date with your favorite ones. You can choose if you want to see comics from one site only, several of them, or all of them. Just click the “Draw!” button and kick back.EvernoteEvernote is one of the most useful websites that you can bookmark, in my opinion. It is definitely the best note-taking app that you can find, offering you a wide range of options. Evernote is available both on your browser as a website and on your mobile as an app. You can sync the two and access your precious notes wherever you are.READThe Hard Truth Behind Your Daughter's Pocket MoneyEvernote allows you not only to take written notes but to organize them in notebooks, add drawings, add images, videos, links, websites, and so on. Your imagination is the only thing limiting ho w you can use it.Rescue TimeAre you having problems controlling how much time you spend on social media and other websites which are considered a waste of time? Rescue Time allows you to do exactly what the name of the app says â€" rescue your time! This website keeps track of how much time you spend on each website that you visit in a day and lets you have an idea on how you manage your time.Moreover, it can let you know when you’ve exceeded your pre-set daily limitation for a particular website, or even completely ban you from accessing it until the end of the day. It’s perfect for procrastinators!Egg TimerEgg Timer is one of the simplest apps out there, but one of the most useful ones as well. It’s nothing more than an egg-shaped timer that lets you enter a certain amount of time and lets you know when the time runs out. I’ve found this website to be perfect for motivating me to race the clock and complete some of those simple yet tedious tasks that I usually put off for too long.SpreederSpreeder is the perfect combination to use alongside Open Library. Now that you have access to so much information, you need a way to read through all of it. Spreeder is a simple but ingenious app that helps you read faster. The name of the app is made by blending the words “speed” and “reader.”In a matter of days, you will be reading twice as fast as before. In the beginning, you can set the speed a bit faster than your normal pace, and slowly increase it as you get better at it.

Monday, May 25, 2020

College Should Be A Training Base For High School Degree

My dad always said, the higher education changes his life trail. When he was in high school he’s grade was dragged by English, although he was good at sciences, his GPA was debased. My grandparents urged him to find a job after he graduated high school immediately, but he thought he should master a specific professional skill to apply for a better occupation in the future. He didn’t listen to my grandparents, he attended to an entrance examination of a medical university and became a dentist after he graduated from university. He firmly believed that if he didn’t go to the college, he would still work in a factory or became a farmer like his parent. College should be a training base for the students who have the demand of acquiring higher†¦show more content†¦Their employers still choose college grads over non-college grads on the assumption that more education is better than less† (Reich). In addition, two professors of sociology at the CUNY---Pau l Attewell and David E. Lavin offered a finding of the income disparity of the sample between college goers and high school grads shows: â€Å"On average, the C or worse students who attend community college were earning between 13 percent and 15 percent more than their counterparts who only finished high school† (Attewell and Lavin). The descriptions from above scholars have a similar point; the employment trend of the labor market defines that college grads have more advantages than the high school grads when they apply for a job, they are in an ascendant position in the employment competition. College grads obtain higher economic benefit than high school grads. In addition, the college grads have more choices on occupation field than the students who are in a lower education degree. The students who graduate from colleges have the basic liberal art knowledges to learn theoretical basis of another new career. They are easier to achieve the goal if they intend to attempt other occupations. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unit 1 Managing Up the Framework of Public Sector...

UNIT 1: MANAGING UP: THE FRAMEWORK OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT |MINOR ASSIGNMENT – READING REPORT TEMPLATE | Participants – use this template for your reading report. Delete the prompters from the template headings (the parts in brackets) before you submit. Also, insert your details in the header of your reading report. |Participant’s name: | | |Position, section, organisation: | | Reading |Wanna, J 2007, â€Å"Improving federalism:†¦show more content†¦| | | |Wanna reports the roundtable believed that the system could be improved and that the positive aspects of federalism could be | |enhanced via the Council of Australian Government – separation of responsibility, competitive governments and increased | |accountability. Wanna considers whether clarifying the responsibilities of each level of government leads to better services and | |concludes that the issue was unresolved. Wanna presents the states’ perspective of a commonwealth government that is able to | |dictate policy because of its financial resources, however he does not balance this argument with the commonwealth perspective. | | | |Wanna reports that the roundtable concludes that over the next 20 years that fiscal issues would become more important and this | |would gravitateShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Management13705 Words   |  55 PagesQualifications in Healthcare Management ATHE Level 7 Award in Programme Leadership (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Award in Sustainable Business Strategy (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Certificate in Developing Organisational Vision and Strategic Direction (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Certificate in Manage Continuous Organisation Improvement (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Certificate in Research for Senior Managers (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Certificate in Healthcare Management (QCF) ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Healthcare Management (QCF)  © ATHE Ltd 2011Read MoreUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Training Conference2611 Words   |  11 PagesUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Training Conference on: â€Å"A Framework for Caribbean Investigation and Analysis† â€Å"New Issues in Integrated Planning and Development in the Public Sector† by: Azad N. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Dolls House Character Analysis - 1555 Words

Title â€Å" As I am now, I am no wife for you†(Ibsen 887) This statement is from Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll House, is a play based in 1879, and it sets the tone of the remainder of the story. Ibsen seems to be making a statement that women need to mature and be independent before they have a family of their own. All of the women in this play leave their loved ones behind to gain their independence. Ibsen’s statement and character portrayal helps make Ibsen’s play take on feminist characteristics. Ibsen’s play shows that women must mature and be independent before they are ready to have a family. This is exemplified through Nora, minor characters such as Krogstad’s wife and the Nurse, and Christine. With this being one of the major themes†¦show more content†¦This quote helps Ibsen make statement that women need to be mature and independent before having a family of their own. Nora, ultimately, ends up packing her bags and leaving her loved ones behind to become her own independent woman. Nora states, â€Å" I can no longer content myself with what people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them†(885). Nora leaving her family to start this process of maturing and gain independence begins to take hold. At the end of the play Ibsen again emphasizes that Nora as she is now she is not the wife for Torvald or a mother to her children (Ibsen 887). She says, â€Å" Good-bye, Torvald. I won’t see the little ones. I know they are in better hands than mine. As I am now, I can be no use to them† (Ibsen 887). This, once again, a statement that women need to mature and be independent before they are ready for a family of their own. Nora is a prime example of this as she leaves her husband and children behind to begin this process. Even the minor female characters seem to show the same pattern. Although we do not learn much of their background stories, the female characters all seem to leave loved ones behind to better themselves. This can be represented by Krogstad’s wife and the nurse, Anne. Although there isn’t any background on the reasons Krogstad’s wife left, the pattern of women leaving loved ones behind to be or become independent seems to be a commonShow MoreRelatedA Dolls House Character Analysis1222 Words   |  5 Pageshighlights how Nora does not wish to share the news of the loan with Torvald as she believes it would ‘completely wreck their relationship’ and therefore, Ibsen utilises other characters to become her confidante, as it is in this way he shows the audience her inner thoughts. Just like Hardy’s use of Liddy, in A Doll’s House, this role is found in Christine Linde: an old friend. Christine is the first person Nora tells about the loan, and admits the loan has caused her ‘a frightful lot of worry’. ThisRead MoreA Dolls House Character Analysis872 Words   |  4 PagesA Dolls House Essay on Love By comparing Ibsens play A Dolls House and the movie Me Before You one can see that gender roles play a big factor in love. A romantic relationship that involves gender roles will bring out love’s most raw form; the emergence of one’s true feelings towards his/her significant other whether it is a negative or positive view. A Doll’s House and the movie Me Before You shows how gender roles impact the lives of Nora [from Doll’s House] and Will Traynor [from Me BeforeRead MoreAnalysis of the Character of Mrs. Linde in A Dolls House1084 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.† In Henrick Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House, the character of Mrs. Linde contributes to the exposition and pivotal moment of the decideding factors of Krogstad, she also has a profound influence on the character development of Nora Helmer. Mrs. Lind e directly contributes to Nora’s moment of realization and Nora’s decision to leave her husband at the end of the play. WomanRead MoreShakespeare s A Doll s House Essay1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe Performance of Gender in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House It can be said that the sound of Nora Helmer slamming the door behind her as she leaves her husband and children in pursuit of self-actualization is one of the most famous in theatre history. The journey the characters in A Doll’s House take in order to build to this powerful moment is a fascinating one. Countless scholars have analyzed aspects of Ibsen’s famous play; some have examined the complicated marriage between Nora and Torvald Helmer,Read MoreHenrik Ibsens A Dolls House1489 Words   |  6 Pagesparticular response. The play â€Å"A Doll’s House† by Henrik Ibsen provides an excellent example for analysis, with each component strongly supported. Often the first, and most obvious, component that can be observed when reading drama is the point of view that it is written from. Point of view determines the perspective from which the story is told. In a play there is typically not a narrator, leaving the audience to witness the action and dialogue of all the characters and compose a personal interpretationRead MoreBibo1025 Words   |  5 PagesHenrik Ibsens A Dolls House. In Bloom, Harold, ed. Human Sexuality, Blooms Literary Themes. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 2009. Blooms Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 6 Nov. 2012. In this article, Kristin Brunnemer explores writer Henrik Ibsen and the transformation of Nora, the main character in Ibsen’s â€Å"A Doll’s House† (Brunnemer 1). There is much debate over whether Ibsen intended to promote feminism through his main female character, Nora, in his playRead More Essay on Lies and Self-realization in A Dolls House1162 Words   |  5 PagesSelf-realization in A Dolls House    In Ibsens play,   A Dolls House,   the characters willingly exist in a situation of untruth or inadequate truth that conceals conflict.   Noras independent nature is in contradiction to the tyrannical authority of Torvald.   This conflict is concealed by the way they both hide their true selves from society, each other, and ultimately themselves.   Just like Nora and Torvald, every character in this play is trapped in a situation of untruth. A Dolls House, can beRead MoreA Dolls House -H.Ibsen ,Critical Analysis1554 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Subject : Drama B Writer : Henrik Johan Ibsen Genre : Realistic Modern Drama Name of the Work / Play : A Doll’s House ( 1897 ) in three acts Characters : Major Characters / Minor Characters Nora Helmer ( wife of Torvald Helmer ,mother of three children ) Torvald Helmer( husband of Nora Helmer , a lawyer ,father of three children ) Dr. Rank ( doctor ,friend of Nora Torvald Helmer, confidant ,commentator ) Mrs. Kristine Linde ( old friend of Nora Helmer ) Nils Krogstad ( barristerRead More A Dolls House: A Push To Freedom Essay examples1371 Words   |  6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sometime after the publication of quot;A Dolls Housequot;, Henrik Ibsen spoke at a meeting of the Norwegian Association for Womens Rights. He explained to the group, quot;I must decline the honor of being said to have worked for the Womens Rights movement. I am not even very sure what Womens Rights are. To me it has been a question of human rightsquot; ( ). quot;A Dolls Housequot; is often interpreted by readers, teachers, and critics alike as an attackRead MoreRealism Theatre Essay1085 Words   |  5 Pagessymbolism, character development, stage setting and storyline and is exemplified in plays such as Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House and Anton Chekhovs The Three Sisters. The arrival of realism was indeed good for theatre as it promoted greater audience involvement and raised awareness of contemporary social and moral issues. It also provided and continues to provide a medium through which playwrights can express their views about societal values, attitudes and morals. A Dolls House is the tragedy

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

African and Native American Slavery Essay Example For Students

African and Native American Slavery Essay Scot Ferguson11-12-96period 2The 1500s, a time of discovery, was when the Europeans came to dominatemost of the New World. The Europeans traveled to Africa and captured Africansto help develop their land and satisfy their need for power. I feel that thetreatment of the Indians and Africans by the Europeans was completelyunjustifiable. While the Indians and Africans were less technologicallyadvanced and the Europeans were uneducated, in this particular field, nothingcan compensate for the actions of the Europeans. As Europeans began to settle new lands they began their exploration ofthe foreign worlds. What they found was the opposite of what they expected. They found what they thought was a new breed of humans. In reality they werejust Native Americans. These Indians were less technologically advanced thanthe Europeans. They also worshipped different and multiple gods and atedifferent foods. Europeans saw this as barbaric, so they treated them asbarbarians. In the beginning Native Americans hadnt the faintest idea of what theEuropeans had in mind when they said trade. They figured that when the WhiteMan came and showed all that hospitality they meant it. Of course, they didnt,the Europeans captured the Indians to be used as slaves. They were alsoslaughtered and raped because of resistance to leave their land. If any Indiansrefused to leave their land they would be killed. The women were raped for sickand disgusting reasons. Europeans didnt feel that the women, or men for thatmatter, were worth anything as humans so they were beat and raped without anythought about what they might be doing. As we watched the movie Roots, I noticed a part in the movie where theywere on a ship and a man brings in a black woman, who was a slave. The manoffered her to the ships captain and referred to her as a belly warmer. Thatgot me to thinking what could be going on in that mans head as he said that. When I heard that I was shocked that a man could treat someone like that. People have feelings and cannot be treated as objects. Maybe the Europeans didnt realize that these people were, in fact people, and that drove them to thisawful conclusion that they could treat people this way. As Europeans settled their land and began to build houses, farms andplantations, they realized that they needed servants to assist them in theirfarming. So people would travel to Africa capture blacks and then sell them tomerchants and plantation owners. They would then beat them and put them to long,grueling work. They would treat them as they did the Indians, and for much thesame reason. They figured that since the blacks were black and appeared to beless advanced then they must be less significant. People of the next generation whose parents owned slaves and grew upthinking slaves were okay is understandable. I just dont feel that anythingcould justify treating the slaves they way they did. they had absolutely norespect for them. They would savagely beat them to get them to work harder thanhumanly possible and they would rape the women. I dont think that I will everknow how any one could do such a thing. I conclusion I strongly feel that the way Europeans treated people thatwere less technologically advanced is completely and utterly wrong. It isdifficult to contemplate what was going on in their heads as they were capturingthem, killing them and even raping them. I can not believe how they could thinkthat the color of someones ones skin or religious beliefs could make them lesshuman. I am glad I live in a country based on the belief that all men arecreated equal. .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .postImageUrl , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:hover , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:visited , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:active { border:0!important; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:active , .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09 .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u984fdbfb504e15330080451def7eec09:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Burmese Days Essay PaperCategory: Social Issues